As Elekore welcomes all the delegates back to our sites in 2022 with a long-awaited return to in-person events, we continue to prioritize the safety of our participants and staff. Elekore continuously monitors local and international guidelines and regulations relating to COVID-19. The changeable nature of the pandemic means that regular updates to this policy are necessary. We will inform participants about any substantial changes to this document that come after they register. Any cancellations due to COVID-19 will be dealt with on a case to case basis.
Elekore requires that all participants in its on-site conferences and courses – including standard participants, speakers, exhibitors, staff and contractors are vaccinated or recovered. Only fully vaccinated / negative RTCR report taken within 72 hours prior to event arrival will be able to participate in an on-site event or course. Please note that the only proof of vaccination as defined by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
If you have a fever, cough, shortness of breath, feeling unwell, or suspect have symptoms of COVID-19, please seek medical attention and do not attend the event.
- All delegates are required to use a facemask covering nose and mouth at all times.
- Temperature check points are set up upon entry to the venue and a temperature check is required prior to event entry each day.
- Hand sanitizing will be set up throughout the venue.
- Hotel staff will also wear masks at all times.
- Event registration will require minimal touch.
- Signs are posted throughout the event reminding delegates to: Encourage social distancing, -Wash and sanitize hands often, especially after interacting with a high-touch surface.